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Best way of Soil Preparation!

June 30, 2021

Best way of Soil Preparation!

To prepare the best soil for home gardening mix the 4 things in equal proportion:

Vermi compost + Coco Peat + Cow dung + Vegetable fertilizers


  1. Vermicompost

    How to make it at home?

    • Mix together shredded paper, soil, and add some water to moisten it all.
    • Take a container and fill it with the mixture, filling it about 3 inches deep. 
    • Add your worms to the mixture and give them a day to get used to it before feeding them. 
    • Make sure the mixture is really very moist but not dripping wet

    When vermicompost is added to soil, it increases the amount of nutrients available to plants and also improves the structure of the soil. Vermicompost has also been proven to promote plant development as well as protect plants from disease and insect pests.

  2. Coco Peat

    How to make it at home?

    • Collect coconut husk and pull out the fibres. Store them in a clean and dry place.
    • Grind them in a mixer grinder to get a powdered form.
    • Remove the remaining fibers from it. 
    • Wash it to remove excess salt and then soak it in the water for an hour before putting it in the sun to dry out. 
    • Your coco peat is ready to use and can be mixed with soil!

    Coco peat makes the potting mix more porous(spongy). This keeps the soil loose and airy, which helps in the growth of the roots, eventually improving plant growth and yield. 

  3. Cow Dung/Manure

    Cow dung when blended with soil can promote the growth of good bacteria. Manure can also improve the texture of the soil and helps with retaining the moisture within the plants.

  4. Compost from Kitchen Leftovers

    Did you know that all the leftovers from your kitchen and  household, let it be your vegetable peels, fruit peels, egg shells, dried flowers or plant waste can be a potential source of nutrition for soil. Pilling them up and leaving them for a few weeks in a container mixed with soil turns your leftovers into a natural compost.

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