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Beat the Summer heat with Iced Strawberry Mojito!

March 03, 2021

Beat the Summer heat with Iced Strawberry Mojito!

 Never too late for a Strawberry Mojito with THOA’s Strawberry Demerara Sugar. 

The b est berry of all is Strawberry. For all the strawberry lovers, this refreshing strawberry mojito makes a perfect drink for a garden party or picnic on a hot sunny day. Moreover, our Strawberry Demerara Sugar makes it more exotic and flavourful!

Since summers are coming, we thought of sharing this super yummy and fresh strawberry mojito recipe with you all.

Strawberry Demerara Sugar


  1. 6-7 strawberries 
  2. 1 tbsp Strawberry Demerara Sugar
  3. Half a lemon 


  1. First off, chop your strawberries and grind them finely. (Save a few strawberry chunks to add as it is in your mojito)
  2. Add ground strawberries to your glass, squeeze out half a lemon to it, then add a tbsp of strawberry demerara sugar.
  3. Pour in a glass of water with some ice cubes and that’s it! Give it a good stir and you’re done.
  4. Serve in a martini or a bell shaped wine glass and enjoy!

We LOVE strawberry mojito, not only because they taste delicious but looks beautiful too!

Visit our website to check our  Strawberry Demerara Sugar and enjoy this super refreshing mojito.


Strawberry demerara sugar


  • Health: Demerara sugar has more molasses than any other form of sugar which makes it a  healthy alternative. Also, we use cold pressed strawberries in the most natural form which provides more minerals as compared to processed ingredients.
  • Convenience: We have combined all that you need to make this recipe awesome - so you don't need to go anywhere hunting all the ingredients. 

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